The Company is committed to developing sustainable corporate governance system, building an efficient governance structure, and constantly improving compliance mechanism, in order to protect the rights and interests of the Company, customers, shareholders and other stakeholders.
During the reporting period, the Company’ s corporate governance and information disclosure strictly complied with the applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Standard Operation of Listed Companies (2020 Revision). We continuously strengthened the implementation of internal control policies, improved corporate governance structure, and enhanced the value of the Company, as well as its management transparency. The Company’ s independent directors performed their duties entrusted by the General Meeting. They have carried out tasks diligently, independently and conscientiously, fully fulfil their duties as independent directors, and supervise the Company’ s standard operations, following the concept of protecting the interests of the Company and its shareholders, especially the general public shareholders, as the working principle.

During the reporting period, the Company held one General Meeting. The General Meeting adopted the voting method of both on-site voting and online voting to ensure that the shareholders could fully exercise their rights. In 2019, the General Meeting reviewed and approved 14 proposals, including the 2018 Annual Report and its Summary, Proposal on the Amendment of the Authorization Management System, Proposal on the Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association, Proposal on the Repurchase and Cancellation of Restricted Shares which were Granted but Unlocked in the 2016 Restricted Shares Incentive Scheme, and etc. In 2019, the Company convened a total of five Board of Directors meetings, where 36 proposals were reviewed and approved.